2014: Um Feliz Ano Novo de suas bandas preferidas e nosso também
Postado em 03/01/2014

O Site A Ilha do Metal agradece a todos vocês pelo crescimento neste último ano e aproveitanmos esse 3 de janeiro para desejar a todos vocês um excelente ano, que ele inicie com muito Metal na veia realize todos seus sonhos pessoais e profissionais.

Aproveitando a oportunidade e facilidade que as redes sociais nos proporciona, incluimos abaixo as mensagens de um feliz ano novo de várias bandas que passaram pelo Brasil ou estarão aqui nos próximos meses.


Iron Maiden 

Happy New Year wherever you are! Here’s to an epic 2014



Happy New Year to the KISS Army! We wish everyone a safe and joyous 2014!

Get ready for another great KISS year!

Paul Stanley.

Happy New Year! Let’s all make this a year to put others before us and help those we can in any way we can.

Black Sabbath

Thank you Sabbath Fans for an AMAZING 2013! Here’s to an even better 2014!

 Dark Tranquillity

2013 is almost over. Thanks to everyone that supported us during the year by listening to the new album, attending any of the shows or just showing your appreciation in general. 2014 will bring a lot of D.T. activity, so stay tuned for more announcements in the near future. Cheers!


Just in case I fall asleep – Happy New Year! Wishing you all a healthy, blessed and prosperous 2014!!! ~ Michael


Happy New Year Ratt n Rollers. Best fans in the world! We look forward to seeing each and everyone of you in 2014!


Happy New Year!!!


Happy New Year everyone!!

 Mark Boals

Happy New Year to all!!!!

I send positive wishes for Health, Happiness, Love and Success to all! Let’s make this the best year ever on planet Earth by being good to ourselves and others around us, and treat the planet and all life with respect!!!


Have a safe and fun New Year’s Eve…see you in 2014! Prost & Cheers!!

 Kings Of The Sun – Clifford Hoad

Dearest Rockers,
just want to wish each & every one of you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR !