CIGARETTES AFTER SEX @ CINEJÓIA – SÃO PAULO/SP (25/08/2019) [English Version]
Postado em 29/08/2019

At the band’s request, this text was translated into English, para versão original em português clique no link:

On a cold but sunny Sunday, the Texan group CIGARETTES AFTER SEX returned to Brazil, two years after their first gig. The euphoria that preceded their original show two years ago was present again. Tickets sold out a month prior, leaving fans fighting on social media for a chance to get their hands on a ticket. There were a considerable number of people who turned up at the venue to try their luck at getting at ticket. Some of them were successful in getting what they were looking for but others weren’t so lucky

Photos and review: Gabriel Souza

Editing: Michaela Russell

It was with this atmosphere that at precisely 21:35 the intro begins to sound in the CINE JÓIA PAs, while Greg Gonzalez, Jacob Tomsky, Randall Miller & Josh Marcus take their positions on stage.

“Opera House” was the track that opened the set, followed by “Sesame Syrup” and the popular “Crush”. During this, the image of actress Anna Karina was projected on the walls of the venue for the first time that evening.

The set list continued with a very respectful sequence, consisting of “Affection”, “Each Time You Fall In Love” & “Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby” (hail for fans of The Handmaid’s Tale). Gonzalez said in an interview that he wrote the song after the end of a long-term relationship where both parties ended up pretty hurt. According to Gonzalez, it was this track that took the group to the next level. During his performance the image of a crying Anna Karina appears and it was impossible not to be moved by the mood created by the band.

The show follows with “K”, the first single from the self-titled album “Sunsetz” and then “Sweet”, sung in unison by those present.

Finally, we have “Keep On Loving You”, a REO Speedwagon cover, and “Apocalypse”. Needless to mention that the audience once again played their part. Gonzalez thanks the crowd for their reception, delivers the setlist to the fans in the front row and leaves the stage with his teammates.

Following the cheering for an encore the band delivers “Young & Dumb” and the spectacular “Dreaming Of You”. After all, who never “fell in love” with someone they had never met?

Once again, the band warmly thanks their fans for their devotion and leaves the stage for the evening.

Nick Cave stated in an interview that the CIGARETTES AFTER SEX show is not just a show but an experience.

Throughout the performance the band builds a dramatic atmosphere where various emotions hang over the crowd. Feelings of frustration, passion, sadness, agony, and even loss are delicately distilled by Greg Gonzalez‘s melancholy and whispered voice. His soft riffs, in dark tracks like “Apocalypse”, makes you feel like you’re alone in your darkened room listening to records.

Lighting that featured cold tones, like blue and green, were added to the beautiful black and white projections on the walls of the fantastic CINE JÓIA. The use of lighting was a perfect choice for this show (cheers to MONKEYBUZZ, the production company behind the show). Normally the band presents the projections on a big screen located behind them, but at CINE JÓIA, they projected onto the sidewalls, amplifying the mood even more and giving the feeling of comfort, as if everyone at that moment were sharing the same feelings. It was very hard not to shudder at the moving presentation.

And of course, we also have to talk about the audience. The overwhelming majority of the audience were real fans and not just curious newcomers and selfie takers. This made the connection between artist and audience much stronger. It was common to see people with Cigarettes After Sex tattoos walking around and despite the prices, the official merchandising stand was always full of people.

If you’re one of those people who are always complaining that “there are no good new bands”, give CIGARETTES AFTER SEX a chance and if they don’t change your mind, well then maybe there’s no salvation for your taste in music.

Now we can only hope that the group returns to Brazil as soon as possible and in that same CINE JÓIA, because in the opinion of the author, it was undoubtedly the best show of 2019 so far and will be difficult to equal.

  • Intro
  • 1. Opera House
  • 2. Sesame Syrup
  • 3. Crush
  • 4. John Wayne
  • 5. Affection
  • 6. Each Time You Fall In Love
  • 7. Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby
  • 8. K.
  • 9. Sunsetz
  • 10. Sweet
  • 11. Keep On Loving You (REO Speedwagon cover)
  • 12. Apocalypse
  • Bis:
  • 13. Young & Dumb
  • 14. Dreaming of You

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